Monday, July 25, 2005

Too tired to write much. Will update in a few days when I have a day off.
Just wanted to let all of you current and past Disney On Ice/Feld Entertainment folks who read this that there is a group on myspace for us. It was started by some Toy Story 2 people. So, it is mainly comprised of Toy 2 and Incredibles (D-26) people now, but I'm sure it will grow once the tours get going again.
The links for the groups are
DOI?Feld Group

Crew Only Group

They do ask that only current and former employees join the groups, so if you have never been on tour with feld, please do not join.


Sunday, July 17, 2005

So, I realize I am horribly behind in updating this blog. But, it is Peak at work so I am uberbusy until next month. i really only came to say three things.
1. I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, it was awesome! GO SEE IT!!!
2. Nate and I are looking to get another dog, so if anyone comes across a female French Bulldog, please let us know.
3. Speaking of dogs,
if any of you wonderful people on the web reading this are from California, please, Please, PLEASE contact your local representative and tell them to oppose SB861. I know usually I am all for anything the Democrats support, but in this case, I just have to oppose. For those of you who don't know, this bill was introduced by Sneator Spier (a democrat) and is advocated by San Francisco's mayor. It is an amendment to California's "No Breed Restriction" law. Now, i realize that Pit Bulls have a bad rap, but they ARE NOT a violent breed. No dog is violent when born. Dogs learn aggression from the people around them. Don't punish the breed for the monsters who own them. And pit bulls aren't the only breeds who this bill affects; chows, rots, many others (even Great Danes, who are no more then Giant teddy bears). This bill is discrimination, and effect where dog owners can live as well as make it harder for them to get homeowners insurance.
While I do not have a Pit Bull, I have friends who do. And more importantly, my dog has many friends who are pits. And where does the discrimination end? Just last week I had a woman pull her child away from my dog becuase it is a "nasty bull" (the woman's exact words). My dog? I have a Boston Terrier. Yes, his Great Great Grandfather was probably a bull, but the breed has been bred to it's own distinct type. But where does it end? First pits, then american bulls, next thing you know it will be frenchies and bostons too?
Crazy. Don't punish the dogs for the owners mistakes.
For more info, go to