Well, 2005 is almost over. So, here is my yearly wrap up.
Highlights of the year:
1) Getting engaged!
2) Nate getting his job at Sea World.
3) Visits from Nate's parents, Marcus, Mark, Tiffany. Who cares if you can't afford a vacation, when you live in Orlando, everyone comes to you.
4) SGFL camping trip. You know, drinking in the woods actually is fun.
5) new tattoos (including Nate's first)and getting our dogs
best movies we saw this year:
1) The Aristocrats
2) Murderball
3) Reefer Madness:the Musical and RENT (both good, Rent wasn't as good as the play, but Reefer Madness surpassed the original)
4) 40 Year Old Virgin
5) Batman Begins, Serenity, and Sin City (blame my mom for the love of sci-fi)
I don't buy CDs, but these were my fave downloads this year:
1) Nine Inch Nails- With Teeth
2) Gorillaz- Demon Days
3) Sigur Ros- Takk
4) Death Cab for Cutie- Plan
5) William Shatner - Has Been
Favorite TV shows (ie the only shows I watch on a regular basis)
1) Lost
2) House
3) Veronica Mars
4) Alias (it sucks this season, but I just want to see how they wrap everything up in the end)
5) CSI
Things in 2005 that I am sick of hearing about/seeing, etc:
1) Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes (Who cares? Ignore them and they will go away)
2) Stupid Songs, like Gwen Stefani's Bananas & Black Eyed Pea's My Humps'
3) reality TV (c'mon isn't this over already?)
4) sequins. what is with the bad 80s fashion? Sequin purses, sequin belts...the only people who should be wearing sequins are figure skaters and kids at dance recitals
5) Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, Tara Reid, the Olsen Twins, really any anorexic bottle blond with no talent who's famous for nothing other than wearing skimpy clothes and doing lots of coke
Things to look foward to in 2006:
1) getting married!
2) Big Bad Voodoo Daddy concert (for Nate's Birthday)
3) spending a week in Key West with our friends and family
4) have to find time to go to NY to see Cyndi Lauper in 'Three Penny Opera' and to see 'Lestat' on Broadway
5) Nate and my first year as a married couple
That's about it.
Happy New Year!
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
updated to add: My grandmother's dog, Koti, recently passed away. He was a wonderful pet. Even at his advanced age, he always acted like a puppy. He was an important memnber of the family. If you would like to, please donate to your local animal shelter in his memory. 
Christmas update: So, Nate and I both had to work on Christmas Day. We did manage to snag a day off for christmas eve though, went down to my grandparent's house. It was Nate's first christmas with my family (although, he has met them before). I warned him ahead of time, but I don't think anything can prepare you for birthday cake for Jesus and wise men with Burger King crowns.
Picture time!

Max, the Grinch and me.

Christmas tree at work.

My grandparents gave us all matching shirts with our names embroidered on them, we look like a bowling team.

My mom sang "Oh, Holy Night" (with Aunt Donna accompanying her on piano, and cousin Hope doing the song in sign language)

Our family reenacting the Natitivity (its a tradition, we do it every year).

Caesar got a toy box.

Nani got new sunglasses.
Our wedding invitations came in, so once we have a day off to send them all out we will. You all should be recieving them sometime in January.
Happy New Year Everyone! Hope everyone has fun. Drive safely! (I'll be busy working on New Year's eve).
Christmas update: So, Nate and I both had to work on Christmas Day. We did manage to snag a day off for christmas eve though, went down to my grandparent's house. It was Nate's first christmas with my family (although, he has met them before). I warned him ahead of time, but I don't think anything can prepare you for birthday cake for Jesus and wise men with Burger King crowns.
Picture time!
Max, the Grinch and me.
Christmas tree at work.
My grandparents gave us all matching shirts with our names embroidered on them, we look like a bowling team.
My mom sang "Oh, Holy Night" (with Aunt Donna accompanying her on piano, and cousin Hope doing the song in sign language)
Our family reenacting the Natitivity (its a tradition, we do it every year).
Caesar got a toy box.
Nani got new sunglasses.
Our wedding invitations came in, so once we have a day off to send them all out we will. You all should be recieving them sometime in January.
Happy New Year Everyone! Hope everyone has fun. Drive safely! (I'll be busy working on New Year's eve).
Monday, December 19, 2005

This is Nate and I all dressed up for dinner at Victoria & Albert's.
So, last night we went to the movies. We saw White Christmas (the old Bing Crosby/Danny Kaye movie). That is my favorite holiday film, and they were showing it at the movie theatre. The are showing It's a Wonderful Life, too. But I always thought that was depressing.
Saturday night we went to a party at my friend Keagan's house. Here are some pics.
We are teaching Nani to Hula.
Have to work all week, but I did manage to get Saturday off (I have to work xmas, though). So for Christmas Eve, we are going to my grandmother's house.
Anyway, got to go do the dishes. I'm so domestic now, isn't that shocking?
Sunday, December 18, 2005
We ordered the wedding invitations. Expect them around New year's. And we have decided not to have a rehearsal dinner (since we won't be having a rehearsal). We will be having a pool party, however, the day before the wedding at Casa Serendipity. Food, margaritas, music, should be alot of fun. And hey, what's the point of renting a house with a private pool, if you don't have a party?
Now, I am focusing on all the little things, like flowers. With a black and white wedding, flowers are complicated. There are no black flowers, and white flowers would just dissappear into my dress. Also, we want to decorate the ceremony somehow, but it seems silly to put tiki torches out when it will still be daylight. Would it be wierd to use an aisle runner on a beach? Also, I don't want to make a mess on the beach, so I'm not sure how much I can get away with. Oh well. have to give it some thought.
If anyone has ideas though, we would love to hear them!
Now, I am focusing on all the little things, like flowers. With a black and white wedding, flowers are complicated. There are no black flowers, and white flowers would just dissappear into my dress. Also, we want to decorate the ceremony somehow, but it seems silly to put tiki torches out when it will still be daylight. Would it be wierd to use an aisle runner on a beach? Also, I don't want to make a mess on the beach, so I'm not sure how much I can get away with. Oh well. have to give it some thought.
If anyone has ideas though, we would love to hear them!
Good news.
We've decided not to cancel the wedding. We will find a way to make it work. Just have to cancel some stuff (no steel drums for instance). If all else fails, we will probably end up having to postpone having a family for a couple years until we pay off the wedding debt.
Oh well. So, for the next five months, we will have no life. No travel, no going out, and we will be begging for all the hours at work that we can get.
As long as the car doesn't break down, and no one gets sick, we will make it work.
See you all in Key West, it will be amazing!
We've decided not to cancel the wedding. We will find a way to make it work. Just have to cancel some stuff (no steel drums for instance). If all else fails, we will probably end up having to postpone having a family for a couple years until we pay off the wedding debt.
Oh well. So, for the next five months, we will have no life. No travel, no going out, and we will be begging for all the hours at work that we can get.
As long as the car doesn't break down, and no one gets sick, we will make it work.
See you all in Key West, it will be amazing!
Saturday, December 17, 2005
I have some horrible news. Nate and I are seriously considering canceling our wedding. We just can't afford it. And, if we cancel it now, we can still get all of our deposits back, and our guests can still refund plane tix and hotel rooms. We have been going over the bills and we cannot find anyway to do it. Both of us have very large credit card bills (almost completely comprised of wedding deposits on photographers, accomodations, etc.) and it just down't seem logical to spend thousands of dollars on a wedding when that money could go toward paying off credit cards and paying our mortgage, plus property taxes are coming up. We were both looking foward to this wedding so much, but now it looks like a good possibility we will end up just going to city hall.
We are going to think about it, and decide in the new year.
But for those of you planning on coming to the wedding, don't buy any plane tix without talking to us first.
Sorry everyone. I am going to go cry now.
We are going to think about it, and decide in the new year.
But for those of you planning on coming to the wedding, don't buy any plane tix without talking to us first.
Sorry everyone. I am going to go cry now.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
So, I just spent all this time writing a great blog entry, only to discover for some reason I can't access my iDisk, so none of my pictures show up.
I got a new tattoo, also went to Discovery Cove for my birthday.
To see pics, go here.
More later when I have more time.
Thursday, December 01, 2005

SO cute!!!
Anyway, nothing to say. I am feeling a little better. Endometriosis sucks, but at least I should feel okay for the next few weeks.
Tomorrow is my birthday. We are going to Discovery Cove and then probably going to get new tattoos.
Oh, and I just got Murderball from Netflix.
That's about it. Have to clean my house, Tiffany is flying down on Wednesday and will be staying with us for a few days, have to make the place all pretty.
Will post more after my birthday.
Oh, and I took this quiz. Totally expected to get democrat, but turns out I got socialist. Woah. Crazy. Especially since I am marrying a republican (scary, I know)
You are a Social Liberal (80% permissive) and an... Economic Liberal (6% permissive) You are best described as a: Link: The Politics Test on OkCupid Free Online Dating Also: The OkCupid Dating Persona Test |