Tuesday, November 25, 2008

OMG I turn 30 in a week.


I am so not ready for this.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Dog Park Day!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

This was too cute not to post. And yes, all three of them were snoring.

Also, mormons are crazy. Want proof? READ THIS Baptizing dead jews? Crazy.

Friday, November 07, 2008


I have too much stuff, so I am having a sale at my ETSY shop. CHeck it out, lots of items marked down.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

CNN has declared Barack Obama to be the next president of the United States.

Since I have been old enough to vote, no one I have ever voted for in a Presidential election has won. I turned 18 a couple weeks to late to vote for Clinton's last term. And of course, I never voted for Bush. So, I am thrilled that finally my candidate of choice has won.

and hey at least Mom won't move to France now ;)

(I am disspointed in my fellow Floridians for passing amendment 2. I would hope for better from my state).
Prayer for the National Elections
BY Sister Joan Chittister, OSB

Give us, O God,
leaders whose hearts are large enough
to match the breadth of our own souls
and give us souls strong enough
to follow leaders of vision and wisdom.
In seeking a leader, let us seek
more than development for ourselves–
though development we hope for–
more than security for our own land–
though security we need–
more than satisfaction for our wants–
though many things we desire.

Give us the hearts to choose the leader
who will work with other leaders
to bring safety
to the whole world.

Give us leaders
who lead this nation to virtue
without seeking to impose our kind of virtue
on the virtue of others.

Give us a government
that provides for the advancement
of this country
without taking resources from others
to achieve it.

Give us insight enough ourselves
to choose as leaders those who can tell
strength from power,
growth from greed,
leadership from dominance,
and real greatness from the trappings of grandiosity.

We trust you, Great God,
to open our hearts to learn from those
to whom you speak in different tongues
and to respect the life and words
of those to whom you entrusted
the good of other parts of this globe.

We beg you, Great God,
give us the vision as a people
to know where global leadership truly lies,
to pursue it diligently,
to require it to protect human rights
for everyone everywhere.

We ask these things, Great God,
with minds open to your word
and hearts that trust in your eternal care.


Monday, November 03, 2008


Just a friendly reminder, election day is tomorrow.

And save your "I VOTED" sticker. You can use it tomorrow to get a Free Doughnut at Krispy Kreme, a free tall coffee at Starbucks, and a free scoop of ice cream at Ben & Jerry's.

Lots of local places are giving away freebies too.

go vote! And please have patience with the volunteers at the voting
sites. My mother works the election, and it is hard work, a very long
day (many long days for states like Florida with early voting). So be
patient, smile, even say thanks to the people who are willing to give
up their time to help the democratic process!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Happy Halloween! Here's some party pics. Thanks to Rachel & Josh for throwing the bash.