****If you are religious, you may not want to read my easter rant, I do not mean to offend anyone***
I made the mistake of watching the local news today. I usually get my news online, because the local news channels here in Orlando suck. They tend to focus on fluff peices that are not really news-worthy. But, I wanted to catch a local story (about the UF student who died) so I watched. I happened to catch a piece about Easter, and some big church event at Lake Eola. Now, I do not consider myself athiest, nor do I consider mself christian. I am nothing. I admit that I do not know how the universe came to be. Big bang? seven days? How should I know? Anyone who feels they know anything for certain is wrong. No one can be sure about anything. But back to my point, on this news story they interviewed some church people. One of whom said " I feel sorry for people without religion. WIthout faith in God, there is no hope. Those people are so sad."
Umm. Excuse me? I do not have religion. I do not have faith in God. But I have faith. Faith that humanity can evolve beyond our mistakes. I have hope that the future can be better than the present. I have faith in science. I do not need God to be a good person. I do not need a church to tell me how to help my fellow man. And I do not need the threat of hell to keep in line. I think it is sad that there are people in this world who only help others because the church tells them too. I think it is sad that people have so little faith in their fellow man that they must rely on God for everything.
Okay, I've ranted enough. Just had to get that off my chest. Happy Zombie Jesus Day! Happy Easter!