Hello all!
We've had a busy week. Here's the wrap-up.
Friday, we went to the Copper Rocket to see the Psycho Devilles show. The opening act, Big Jeff special, were pretty good. They were energetic and fun (though the lead singer, wearing just overalls, looked eerily like the kid who played the banjo in Deliverance). The Psycho Devilles rocked, though we wanted to buy a CD and their Merch table was abandoned the hole night.
Saturday, we went to the Enzian to see Repo! The Genetic Opera. We'd already seen the film, but this time was with a cast (Rocky Horror-style). It was the casts first time performing in public, and they did a great job. That movie is the perfect mix of horror and musical to get the audiance-participation treatment. The pre-show was too long, but otherwise it was a good entertainment. Plus, mango mojitos and rasberry beingets at the Enzian are always a treat.
Sunday, we had to work. But it was for the load-in of Disney on Ice rehearsals, so it was nice to see old friends. It was wierd working it as a local and not roadcrew. Hopefully, we'll get another chance to see our roadie friends before they leave O-Town for their tour.
Monday, was a sad day. Nani woke up with her right eye all squinty. We ended up spending the afternoon at the vet. SHe has a scratch on her eye. We are not sure how it got their (probably playing with Caesar). Now we have two different ointments we have to put in her eye twice a day. Luckily though, she doesn't have to wear a cone.
Tuesday, we went back to the Enzian. This time for the 40th Anniversary of Easy Rider. Great film, great food (Double-fried purple Okinawa sweet potatoes), and we even ran into some friends (Hi Rachel and Wysh!).
Tonight we are heading on over to the Audobon Park Community Market. Buy some local veggies and eggs, and hear some music.
Hope everyone is doing well! Keep Nani in your prayers/thoughts for a speedy recovery.