Sunday, January 15, 2006

So, I already posted this out as a myspace bulletin. But I wanted to post it again since it is important.

"Orlando folks, please read this...
Body: I got this from my buddy Justin, but it is very important, so I thought I'd foward it to all of you. Please do what you can to help. And for those of you with pets, I hope to see you at Paws in the Park on February 11, benefiting the local Humane Society. For more info on Paws in the park, go to

From Justin:

I need your help, serious.
Well, not so much me as the four legged friends we all have.

It has come to my attention, that our shitty state of Florida, and yes it is a shitty state has rezoned property (probably those damned Republicans) that Pet Rescue by Judy has to close her no kill adoption kennels. these pets have nowhere to go.

I normally don't send these out as a lot of people turn a blind eye to them, but these animals have nowhere to go. So if youknow someone who is looking for a great pet, please check these websites or

Judy is a 501-C3 Non Profit Org and yes, you can donate funds. If you are leery of giving cash then help by adopting a pet. I, myself, have my eye on a gorgeous Australian Shepherd that may keep Hootie company.

Please help and whatever you do DO NOT GO TO BREEDERS or PET RETAILERS. Please adopt these guys. They need your help.

Thanks guys,

Donations: Pet Rescue by Judy, P.O. Box 777, Edgewater, FL 32132"

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