It is the end of an era.
After 85 years Yankee Stadium is being demolished. I have heard all the arguaments to why the stadium (where Babe Ruth hit the first home run!) is closing, but it still makes me sad. This is where I used to go to games with my grandparents. We'd go into the city early, have lunch at the stadium and go to Memorial park before the game. Now, I'm not a huge sports fan, but I have many fond memories of watching the game, my feet hovering over piles of peanut shells my grandfather would leave under us. I used to have a collection of those little plastic baseball caps the ice cream came in. Tiffany and I would try to get on the jumbotron or catch a ball. We would try to get autographs before the game as the players warmed up. I haven't been to a game in at least five years, and I wish I could have made it this season. Even though the Yankees aren't doing that well this year, it would have been nice to go to one last game. I'm sure the new stadium will be great, but its just not the same leaving "the house that Ruth built".
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