Friday, May 15, 2009

We've been really busy lately. Between Jersey Boys and the Convention Center, I think we've worked more with the local the past two weeks than we had the past two months. Not much else, we finally had a day off today, so we caught up with grocery shopping and I (finally) got a new cell phone (the old one wouldn't hold a charge, it had been slowly dying for the last month or so). Same old number.

We celebrated our 3 year wedding anniversary a few days ago. Didn't do anything special, but next month we are going to a concert (RICHARD CHEESE!) as a late celebration.

Also, we did go see Star Trek. It was good. I am not a Trekkie, but I did see alot of the show as a kid. There were things that bugged me, but overall a good film. Certainly better than many of the other Star Trak movies.

That's all for now folks!

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