Christmas pictures from Nana & Pop's house. The whole family was there, except for Candis who's in Asia (we miss you!!)

We reenacted the Nativity (a family tradition). Nate & I had to be Mary & Joseph. My cousins played the angel, wise men, shepards, and I think a camel(? or donkey?)

Nate tried the wonky bike (where it goes the opposite direction you want to go). While one of my cousins rode Nate's custom.

Everyone played with the Marshmellow guns. Some were snipers/shooters, while others were targets (they tried to catch the marshmellows in their mouths).

The kids sang "The 12 Days of Christmas" complete with hand gestures to go with each verse. It was quite entertaining (particularly "7 Geese A-laying" and "8 Maids a-milking")

Part 2 coming soon!
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