Saturday, May 29, 2004

Guatemala...Fifteen shows in one city is just too damn many. Oh, I did find time to go horseback riding, and rapelling down the side of a monutain, and ziplining through the tree canopy. Went shopping in the market in Antigua, got souveniers for everyone. Hopefully, I will be home is as little as two weeks, but they may be adding cities to our tour, so I may be in South America until August 8. Panama was cancelled, but they may add additional cities in South America. I am getting two and a half weeks off in Ecuador, Nate and I are going to take surfing lessons. Should be a catastrophe waiting to happen. Nate and I have decided this will be our last tour, and we are planning on moving to central florida, so if anyone has advice on jobs or places to live, let me know. I will write more later (probably monday when I get to El Salvadore). Anyway, got to go to work now. Bye. If I ever find highspeed I will put pics up.

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